1. City Of Tucson Brush And Bulky Pickup Schedualed. Twice a year, the City of Tucson’s Environmental & Genersl Services Department offers resident and opportunity to clean out their yard, shed, or garage and get rid of debris that will not fit in their trash containers.
Brush and Bulky will pick up:
– Brush, tree trunks, branches and other green waste (up to 5 feet long and 24 inches in diameter)
– Lumber (up to 5 feet long and stacked in a separate pile)
– PVC and metal pipes (up to 5 feet long) – Railroad ties (limit 5) – Furniture, carpet, and doors
– Lawn mowers with fuel tank and crank case removed – Scrap metal (bicycles, swing sets, etc., broken into 5 foot lengths)
– Cacti (must be contained – up to 25 lbs.)
– Appliances (remove freezer/refrigerator doors)
– Car tires (limit of five automobile tires) – Metal drums (empty and cut in half)
2018 Schedule/Map New! To schedule reminders on your smartphone, download the Recycle Coach app in the iTunes App Store or the Google Play Store.
2. Who? What? Don’t Talk To The Hand, Talk To My Right Ear! Sing to your left ear and speak to your right. Your right ear hears differently than your left.
Your right ear is better than your left ear at receiving sounds from speech, whereas your left ear is more sensitive to sounds of music and song, according to American researchers behind a study of the hearing in 3,000 newborns.
3 Tucson’s Third And Fourth Grade Teachers Can Learn About Water. Arizona Project WET (Water Education for Teachers) invites third and fourth grade teachers to its workshop, “Just Add Water! Hands-on Science Made Easy.” This day of learning and exploration will be held this Saturday, Feb. 17, 8:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m., at the Water Resources Research Center, 350 N. Campbell Ave. The workshop provides instruction about water and the environment. Teachers then learn to help students see themselves as part of the water cycle and the water cycle as a part of the earth system, through engagement, exploration, and inquiry. Teachers who participate are eligible for free in-class groundwater presentations and field trips to Sweetwater Wetlands. Hands-on Science Made Easy poster (pdf): http://bit.ly/2GbGOsq Hands-on Science Made Easy registration: http://bit.ly/2o7m7XA Arizona Project WET: http://bit.ly/1xGA5Mp
4. Colorado River Water Supply Report As of January 22, 2018, there are 29.72 million acre feet of water stored in the Colorado River system.
5. Dam, My List Fell Short. Last week, this newsletter reported that Arizona had 26 dams. Jean A. Rodine of ADEQ, politely corrected the numbers I had discovered. That’s because the incomparable GIS Maestro, Victor Gass updated the list of Dams in Arizona. E-mail me for the excel list, location, and a lot more on all 848 dams in Arizona. Dam! Who knew!
If you would like a copy of all of the dams in Arizona, please e-mail me and write into the subject line, “Dams” I will send to you an Excel sheet with the name of the dam, Type, Quad Name, if it is a hydroelectric, AZGEO, AGFD, NIDID, ACTIC ID, State Nme, County and River (ieSalt River, Colorado River, Verde River, Willow Creek
6. SRP Hosts Water Conservation Expo. Salt River Project is hosting a water conservation expo on March 3, 2018 from 8:00 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the SRP PERA Club, located at 1 E. Continental Drive, Tempe.
You will need to register to attend at srpnet.com/expo or call 602-236-3333
* learn how to save water and money.
- get advice from landscape professionals
- find out about water conservation products and rebate programs
- meet Dave the Garden Guy and learn about low-water use landscaping
7. Ever Taken An Award Winning Photo With Your Cell Phone? Now you can turn the photo into a piece of artwork that you will be proud to hang on you wall or give as a gift.
Select your photo.
Email your selected photo to [email protected]
You’ll receive an e-mail back with your selected photo on a variety of formats. You select on the format you want and shortly after, you will receive that photo ready to be hung on the wall or given as a gift.