Watershed Info No. 1282

 Daniel Salzler                                                                             No. 1282                            EnviroInsight.org                             Four Items                    November 22, 2024   

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May all of the readers of this newsletter have a very happy and safe Thanksgiving! 

2. Keep FOG Out Of The Sewers This Holiday Season.  After cooking the Turkey (or other type of meat) in your peanut, soy or other vegetable oil, allow the oil to cool before doing anything with it.

For small quantities of FOG, wipe the vessel with one paper towel or more, absorbing the liquid, and then toss the oil rich paper towel into the trash. 

Where do these different waste products originate?


Meat Trimmings 

Uncooked Poultry Skin Cheeses

Ice Cream

Peanut Butter



Salad dressing 

Vegetable cooking oil

Canola Oil 

Olive Oil 

Corn Oil 


Cooked/Melted Fat from Meat Bacon/Sausage

Skin from Boiled Poultry



Salad Dressing 

If you have used vegetable oil measuring in the gallon(s), try contacting companies like Dar-Pro Solutions 855-327-7761), or Baker Commodities (Toll Free: 800-825-5691).

3. How Long You Should Keep Thanksgiving Leftovers.  It seems like everyone eats too much for Thanksgiving Dinner.   It seems like there are always an abundance of food left when everyone pushes back from the table.  First, all food should be in the refrigerator within two hours after eating. 



Keeps for: Three to four days

Cooked turkey, chicken and/or duck (in case you are making a turducken) will last three to four days in the fridgeaccording to Foodsafety.gov, the go-to place to get food safety information from various government health agencies. 

Do: Freeze the leftovers in foil or airtight containers as soon as possible; the fresher the turkey is when it goes in, the better. They should be good for two to six months.

Don’t: Store a leftover bird with stuffing still inside; it will take too long for the stuffing to cool and bacteria could grow. Instead, take the stuffing out and save it in a separate container before refrigerating or freezing the turkey meat.


Keeps for:Three to four days

Those popular spiral-cut hams or any store-wrapped cooked ham will last three to four days in the fridge. Cooked country hams will last a bit longer, up to a week. 

Do: Wrap it up tightly in plastic wrap or aluminum foil before refrigerating. If you choose to freeze, it will be good for one to two months.

Don’t: Try to save any leftover ham that has a slimy texture – that’s a tell-tale sign it’s gone bad. 

Mashed and sweet potatoes 

Keeps for: Three to four days

You’ll likely have made them with cream and butter, so you’ll need to put the spuds into the fridge within two hours of preparation. If stored in an airtight container, they will last three to four days in the fridge (this applies to any sort of cooked potato dish, such as potato salad or scalloped potatoes).

Do: Consider freezing your mashed potatoes or gratins in airtight containers or plastic freezer bags within three days; they should be good for up to a month. 

Don’t: Freeze any leftover raw potatoes that didn’t make it to the table without blanching them first; otherwise, they’ll be watery when rejuvenated.

Stuffing/Dressing and Gravy

Keeps for:Three to four days

It’s all gravy: Any broth made with meat will last three to four days refrigerated and up to two months in the freezer. Same goes for that delicious dressing, if there’s any left.

Do: Store it all within two hours of making, in an airtight container. If freezing, it will keep about a month.

Don’t: Forget and leave your stuffing in the turkey. It’s a breeding ground for bacteria.

Cranberry sauce 

Keeps for: 10 to 14 days

You can keep adding that delicious homemade or store-bought cranberry sauce to your sandwiches for up to two weeks if it’s been kept refrigerated in an airtight container. 

Do: Refrigerate homemade cranberry sauce within two hours of cooking. If you want to make extra and freeze, it will last for up to two months.

Don’t: Touch it if there’s an off odor, flavor or appearance (especially mold).

Green bean casserole, macaroni and cheese and corn pudding

Keeps for: Three to five days

Green bean and corn casseroles and cooked pasta dishes typically last about three to five days when properly stored in the fridge. The same goes for roasted veggies, collard greens and other Thanksgiving dinner favorites.

Do: Be sure to store any dish containing mayonnaise within two hours of making or serving.

Don’t: Freeze any macaroni salad (or egg, chicken, ham or tuna salads), says the USDA. They just don’t taste good when they come back to life.

Bread, rolls and croissants

Keeps for: About a week

Do: Keep your leftover rolls and other Thanksgiving day breads wrapped in plastic in the pantry; they should be good for a week. To last longer, wrap tightly in foil and place in a freezer bag for up to three months.

Don’t: Put breads into the fridge to help them last longer, they’ll just dry out.

Pumpkin, pecan, fruit pies

Keeps for: Three to four days

Pumpkin and pecan pies – or any other pie with an egg-based filling, such as chocolate pie – will keep for three to four days if refrigerated within two hours of making or serving. 

Fruit pies can sit out for two days before you cut and serve them. After eating, loosely wrap with foil or plastic before you put the pie in the fridge. 

The rule applies to store-bought pies as well – once you’ve cut it, it needs to refrigerated.

Do: Consider freezing pumpkin, pecan and fruit pies. Wrapped tightly in foil or plastic they will keep for almost three months. Defrost before warming to eat.

Don’t: Freeze any ‘airy’ pies such as custard or chiffon. 

Cakes and pastries

Keeps for: Up to a week in the fridge

Cakes and pastries can actually be left at room temperature on the snacking table for up to two days; you’ll want to cover loosely with plastic wrap to keep them moist. Put into the fridge, they’ll stay fresh for up to a week.

Do: Keep slices to snack on by freezing in airtight containers; they will last two to three months.

Don’t: Keep any cakes or pastries with dairy-based frostings or fillings out on the table after dessert. They need to go immediately into the fridge.

Source: https://www.cnn.com/2019/11/29/health/how-long-to-keep-thanksgiving-leftovers-wellness/index.html 

4.  12 Things You Should Never Put in the Microwave

Today’s best microwaves can do a lot. Some combo units even double as air fryers! But, no matter how high-tech, your microwave isn’t designed to handle everything you may want to throw at it. Certain materials and food simply can’t take the heat. At best, you may end up with a splattered mess to clean up; at worst, you could end up leaching harmful chemicals into your food or even causing a fire. So before you turn to the handy appliance to get your cooking job done in record time, give yourself a quick refresher on a dozen things that should never end up on the turntable.

Note: As a general rule, always check the manufacturers’ instructions to see if something is microwave safe. 

Metal – This may go against everything your mother told you about the microwave, but the truth is, it’s best to avoid putting metals in the microwave, unless the product specifically says it’s microwave-safe. Doing so could damage your appliance, or even start a fire.

Aluminum foil– Foil blocks microwave energy, so it’s generally not regarded as microwave-safe. This is especially true when foil is bunched up because the edges can cause sparking.

Dishes with metallic designs – Your favorite coffee mug with those beautiful metallic flourishes? Sorry, but you’ll have to heat up your beverage in another glass. Even small amounts of metal on metallic glasses or plates can reflect the waves inside the microwave, causing it to overheat and produce sparks that pose a fire hazard. Always check a product to see if it’s microwaveable.

Travel mugs- These cups are similar, since the majority are made from stainless steel. So unless the manufacturer specifically states that the mug is “microwave safe,” you’ll have to transfer it to a new cup for reheating.

Plastic containers– Though the health effects of consuming micro- and nanoplastics are unclear, a recent study in which scientists microwaved plastic containers and reusable food pouches found that, in some cases, doing so released more than 2 billion nanoplastics and 4 million microplastics for every square centimeter of container. Always check to see if your food storage has been deemed “microwave safe” by the manufacturer, but in general, it may be smarter to use glass vessels instead.

Bamboo plates and cutlery Bamboo dishes and cutlery are made from compressed bamboo fibers and often have coatings that can break down in the microwave. They also have poor heat absorption, which can cause warping or cracking, plus lead to hot spots that can pose a fire hazard.

Styrofoam – Did the restaurant package up the rest of your burger and fries in a styrofoam container? Or maybe your coffee came in a styrofoam mug? You’ll want to transfer that to another plate or cup prior to reheating, since the heat of the microwave can cause the material to melt or break down. Studies suggest polystyrene (what Styrofoam is made of) may also leach into food.

Dry sponges – It’s true that the microwave is a great way to zap the bacteria that lingers on your kitchen sponge, but you need to make sure the sponge is saturated with water first. If sponges are dry, there’s no water to attract the appliance’s energy and the sponge could catch on fire.

Wax paper – At high temperatures, like those in the microwave, wax paper can melt. And, even if it doesn’t entirely degrade, studies suggest microwaving the material may also contaminate foods.

Brown paper bags – Paper bags, including small lunch bags and grocery store bags, could catch fire in the microwave. Studies suggest these materials could also leach a harmful chemical called PFAS into food.

Eggs in shells– You can microwave cracked eggs, but don’t try to hard-boil eggs in your appliance. When the shells are intact, the steam has nowhere to go, so the egg could explode if it gets too hot.

Lidless containers – We recommend covering food with a microwave-safe lid or material before placing it in the microwave — particularly items like thick soup or tomato sauce. The heat of the microwave can cause your food to simmer and splatter.

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