Daniel Salzler No. 1240
EnviroInsight.org Four Items February 9, 2024
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- 10 Things That Happen When You STOP Drinking Water. I think we can admit one thing that indeed happened to all of us: out of all the basic things we should have taken into consideration, water always ended up at the bottom of the list. But here’s the thing: when you stop drinking water, your body is struggling.

Water makes up 60% of our bodies, and it is crucial to maintaining a healthy weight, flushing toxins from our bodies, and producing bodily fluids like saliva. Water is also essential for proper bowel function, optimal muscle performance, and clear, youthful-looking skin.

Even so, failing to drink enough water might cause dehydration and adverse symptoms like fatigue, headaches, weakened immunity, and even dry skin. The point is that your health problems could be caused by not drinking enough water, and if that’s so, let’s dive into what happens when you stop drinking water:
Persistent bad breath. Water is highly important for saliva production, as it helps rinse away bacteria and maintain the health of our teeth and gums. In fact, the lack of water inhibits saliva production, causing bacteria to build up on the tongue, teeth, and gums, and that’s how we get bad breath.

If you practice proper oral hygiene but continue to suffer from chronic bad breath, it’s highly possible you’re not drinking enough water. We’d strongly advise you to make an appointment with your doctor and check if your bad breath remains after increasing your water intake. Otherwise, you’ll have to consider other possible causes, such as gum disease, type 2 diabetes, and liver and kidney issues.
Fatigue. Well, would you think that if you stopped drinking water, you’d become increasingly tired? That’s mainly due to the fact that you experience fluid loss in the body. The fluid loss could lead to a decrease in blood volume that would also put some excess pressure on the heart to deliver the needed oxygen and nutrients to all other organs, including the muscles.

Lack of water might cause you periods of fatigue and low energy because your body is trying to function without it. However, if you keep on feeling sluggish and tired even if you had a good night’s sleep, then you might have to boost your water intake.

Frequent illness. Water helps flush toxins, waste, and bacteria from the body to fight disease and infection, but it also strengthens your immune system, so you’ll get sick a lot less.
However, if it seems as if you are constantly getting sick, you might have to start drinking more water so you can keep your body free of toxins and function properly.
As a lack of water could also cause fatigue, you might tend to be less physically active, which constitutes another risk factor for weakened immunity.
Constipation .Water enhances proper digestion and regular bowel movements because it keeps your stool soft and moves it easily through the digestive tract. But if you stop drinking water, your body might start pulling water from your stool so it can properly compensate for fluid loss.
Ultimately, this could lead to a harder and firmer stool, which is way more difficult to pass. If your bowel movements are always infrequent, the best thing you can do is start drinking more water. It will be 100% efficient in loosening your stools and relieving constipation and bloating.
Poor skin health. Water hydrates and plumps skin cells, which makes you look brighter, more vibrant, and more youthful. Even so, a lack of water might cause your skin to lose its plumpness and elasticity, which ultimately leads to dryness, flakiness, fine lines, wrinkles, and sagging skin.

Water might even help reduce acne and other skin issues by flushing harmful toxins from the body. If you notice that your beauty products and skin treatments are all failing to improve the appearance of your skin, remember to drink more water. You will achieve a more youthful appearance, and you’ll also reduce and improve your skin issues.
Sugar cravings. Dehydration might interfere with our body’s ability to reach into its glucose stores for energy, and it could also trigger cravings for foods that are very high in sugar and

carbs. It’s worth noting that unusual and immediate cravings for sugary foods such as chocolate, donuts, cookies, and especially candies could indicate that your body craves water.
I know the temptation is much harder to resist, especially when it comes to something sweet, but your need for water won’t fade away just because of some candies. If you have sugar cravings and hunger pangs, even if you’ve recently eaten, you could try drinking more water to fully rehydrate your body and keep your cravings at bay. If you stop drinking water, your chances of craving more are higher, which could ultimately lead to weight gain.
Decreased urination. When your body is dehydrated, many things happen. For instance, your kidneys retain a lot of fluid because they are wired to become darker in color, much stronger in odor, and overall cloudier in appearance. You could also face a higher risk of urinary tract infection, especially if your body lacks the water needed to flush out toxins and bacteria.
You can tell whether or not you’re drinking enough when you start urinating more. If the urine is much clearer, lighter in color, and has no odor, you will know it’s better.
Muscle cramps. Well, excessive sweating could ultimately lead to dehydration. If your body

doesn’t get the water it needs to produce more sweat, it could lead to muscle aches. Here’s the catch: our body sweats to cool itself, so when you stop drinking water, everything goes south. If you are present in a hot environment and you are also dehydrated, then that heat will affect your muscles, which will ultimately cause severe muscle cramps.
High Blood Pressure. As you become increasingly dehydrated, all that water concentration in your blood starts to decrease, which makes your blood thicker. Naturally, it makes it much harder for your heart to plump and circulate thicker blood through your system, and that’s why it goes into overdrive, which ultimately results in increased blood pressure.
Not only that, but the body produces more cholesterol. You might wonder why—well, it keeps the cell membranes moist, but the whole ordeal increases your cholesterol levels, which isn’t healthy. Source: Science in the World
2. The 2024 Battery and Critical Metals Recycling Conference (BCMRC), presented by Recycling Today Media Group, is June 17-18 in Atlanta. In its second year, this conference caters to the expanding market seeking environmentally responsible solutions for handling end-of-life batteries from electric vehicles, consumer electronics and the stored power sector. Don’t miss out on the chance to hear from industry experts who will delve into the most significant subjects surrounding batteries and critical metals.
What can you expect at this event?
• Actionable education.
• An all-star speaking lineup.
• Unmatched networking.
Be sure to register today to take advantage of our early bird registration pricing as pricing will increase. Save more than $250 by registering today to experience this unique event that focuses solely on issues surrounding battery recovery and recycling!
Reserve your hotel room for the show at a group rate of $329 per night. To reserve your room call 1-800-228-9290 and ask for the Battery Recycling Conference Rate. Go online to for more information and to register at BatteryRecylingConference.com
3. Now That Many Arizonians Are Picking Lemons, Who Invented Lemonade?
a. Egyptians
b. Mongolians
c. Persians
d. Romans
Answer at the end of the newsletter.
4. The University of Arizona Water Resources Research Center Annual Conference. The WRRC 2024 Conference, Implementing Water Solutions Through Partnerships will be held March 12-13 at the University of Arizona Student Union.
For those that cannot or chose not to attend in person, the U of AZ will offer a zoom livestream. Registration is now open for free live streaming s well as for in-person attendance.

In-person registration for the two day conference is $160. Beginning February 13, registration cost increases to $175. To register for you in-person attendance, go to https://www.eventbrite.com/e/wrrc-2024-annual-conference-tickets-760050460387
To register for the zoom live zoom, go to https://arizona.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_Vmwe9SkeQIq_pFLoKcVPRA#/registration
Answer to the sour question above:
While there is a bit of evidence that suggests that Egypt may have had something similar to lemonade, historians agree that the first actual evidence of lemonade was found in modern-day Mongolia. Mongolians invented lemonade around 1299 AD. It gained popularity quickly as the Mongol emperor’s favorite drink. One famous poet from the area, Wu Lai, who lived from 1271 to 1368, wrote a song entitled “Lemon Hot Spring Water”, which became the first-known ode to the delicious sweet-and-sour drink. Source: Need To Know Facts
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