Daniel Salzler No. 1099 EnviroInsight.org Two Items April 23, 2021
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1. Celebrating Earth Day. Celebrate Earth Day by implementing different ways to save water. Scientists tell us that least 40 of the 50 states are going to see water restrictions within the next ten years. Arizona and Nevada very could see water restrictions sometime in 2021 and 2022
Here are a few ways to conserve water in your home
We use an average of 100 gallons of water every day — 400 gallons, if we’re talking about two parents and kids in a house. According to EPA reports, “40 of 50 states expect water shortages in some portion of their states under average conditions in the next 10 years”. So if you’re wondering where to begin and what you should be looking at, check out these different reduce water use in your home.
And considering the recommended amount of water for drinking is between half a gallon and a full gallon a day, hydrating less is definitely not the answer for saving water at home.
Fortunately, there are endless ways to save water around the house that can help lower your water bill as well as your environmental impact.
But if you’re concerned with more than just your water bill, Green matters has compiled some more advanced tips that will help save the water you don’t see. Read on for 15 beginner, intermediate, and advanced ways to save water around the house.
Beginner Water-Saving Tips
The first tips on this list are easy, basic things that anyone can easily do around the house.
Turn Off the Faucet During Tasks
While washing hands, dishes, and produce, as well as while shaving at the sink, sometimes it seems easier to just leave the water running even when you’re not using it. But shutting off the faucet while washing your hands or doing other tasks can save more water than you think. During a 20-second hand wash, you could waste a quarter of a gallon of water. And with all the hand washing we’re doing these days, that really adds up.
Use Your Dishwasher — Properly
Using the dishwasher is more sustainable than handwashing in most cases, as dishwashers generally use less water than handwashing. Just make sure to only run your dishwasher with a full load, run it on the shortest cycle setting, don’t run the pre-rinse, and if possible, use an energy-efficient dishwasher (more on that below).
Run Shorter Washing Machine Cycles
Similarly, wash clothes on the shortest cycle on your washing machine, make sure not to add an additional rinse cycle, and use cold water whenever possible. Avoid the permanent press cycle as well, as it uses both warm and cold water plus an extra rinse.
Change Up Your Shower Routine
Taking a long shower every day uses a lot more water than you think. According to Home Water Works, the average American shower lasts for 7.8 minutes and uses 15.8 gallons of water. You can reduce this amount by taking shorter showers, taking showers less frequently, or washing your hair less frequently.
Keep Water in the Fridge
If you find yourself constantly running the tap to get it to the perfect, icy-cold temperature, consider keeping a pitcher of water in the fridge so there’s always cold water on hand and you won’t need to run the tap.
Optimize Your Cooking Water
Boiling some vegetables? Opt for steaming instead, which only requires an inch or two of water. Even better — if you’re cooking rice or pasta, steam vegetables in a basket over the pot!
Cooking pasta? Use the smallest pot that will accommodate your noodles to ensure you don’t use more water than needed. Also, save some of the cooking water when you make pasta before draining it, and use the starchy water to bulk up sauces and soups.
Wash Your Clothes Less Often
While gym clothes, socks, and underwear should definitely be washed after each wear, any clothing that does not gather sweat, visible dirt, or anything else can probably be worn again before you wash it. We’ll leave the judgment calls here up to you.
Install a Low-Flow Shower Head
Repurpose Greywater
Greywater is the lightly-used water runoff from your bath, shower, or sink. Simply put a bucket in your sink or shower to collect extra water, or use a bucket to scoop up water before you drain the tub — then repurpose that water by watering plants, your lawn, or your car. You can also do this with that glass of water that goes stale on your nightstand every night.
Repair Leaky Faucets
According to Home Water Works, a faucet that leaks 60 drops per minute will waste 192 gallons of water per month, and 2,304 gallons of water per year. So repairing a leaky faucet can save a lot more water than you think.
Upgrade Your Toilet
Older toilets use between 3.5 and 7 gallons of water per flush — but a high-efficiency toilet can use as little as 1.28 gallons per flush, according to Home Water Works. This can save your household endless gallons of water. So when shopping for a new toilet (once you need one, of course), look for a toilet that uses 1.28 gallons per flush.
Don’t Use the Garbage Disposal — Compost Instead
Using a sink’s built-in garbage disposal to get rid of food scraps uses a lot more water than you might think. InSinkErator, a popular garbage disposal company, recommends running a steady stream of cool water when the disposal is running. Instead, compost your food scraps — not only will this reduce your water usage, but it will also help create nutrient-rich soil for your garden. Here’s our guide to starting a backyard compost.
Using Cold Water When Running a Garbage Disposal
If you’ve owned a garbage disposal for a long time or just installed your first one, it’s common to wonder if you should use hot or cold water when grinding food waste. For all disposers, we recommend using a cool or cold steady stream of water when the disposal is running.
While we recommend that you avoid putting any fats, oils, or grease (FOG) into your disposal, use a paper towel to wipe the F.O.G from the pans and then toss the paper towels into the trash (not recycleable) there is inevitably some fat in common food waste such as salad dressings and macaroni and cheese. By using cool water, any fat will remain solid as it passes through the disposal and your drain pipes.
If water usage is a concern, know that, on average, a disposer uses only about 1 gallon of water per person per day, or about the same as a toilet flush. This is typically less than 1% of a household’s total water use. And average disposer electrical use is 3-4 KWh per year, or less than 50¢ a year in most locales. So just a helpful reminder, do the “cool” thing and use COLD water when running your garbage disposal.
Upgrade Your Appliances Responsibly
When it comes time to replace your washing machine or dishwasher, consider investing in a water-efficient and energy-efficient model. Just don’t get rid of perfectly-functional appliances in favor of shiny new ones — wait until you actually need a replacement.
Advanced Water-Saving Tips
Saving water is not just about saving the water you can see, or the water that affects your water bill. Here are a few out-of-the-box ways to save a ton of water.
Eat More Vegan Meals
Eating a vegan diet is one of the most significant things an individual can do to lower their environmental impact — and part of the reason why is because animal agriculture is so water-intensive.
Beef is typically regarded as the most water-intensive food item, requiring an average of nearly 1,800 gallons of water for 1 pound of beef, which makes sense, considering the fact that cows consume up to 30 gallons per day. According to EcoWatch, the water needed for 3.5 pounds of beef (that’s about 10 burgers) is the same amount of water needed for an entire year’s worth of showers for one person. If you’re looking to make a low-impact swap, kidney beans need just a tenth of the water that beef needs, according to a Loma Linda University study, as per EcoWatch.
And it’s not just cows that guzzle inordinate amounts of water — around 575 gallons of water are required per pound of pork, and about 470 gallons of water are needed to make one pound of chicken meat, according to Discover. Eliminating animal products from your diet can save far more water than taking shorter showers — so even if you’re not ready to go vegan, you can make simple swaps, such as drinking non-dairy milk instead of cow’s milk, Beyond burgers instead of beef burgers, and tofu scramble instead of eggs. Here’s our guide to transitioning to a plant-based diet
Buy Clothes Secondhand
Repair Leaky Faucets
According to WWF, it takes a whopping 20,000 liters of water to produce one kilogram of cotton, which amounts to about one cotton T-shirt and one cotton pair of jeans. One of the best ways to lower the impact of your wardrobe is to shop for clothing and other textiles secondhand, as that rescues fabric that’s already been grown from the waste stream.
2. Why Do Some Dogs Slobber More Than Others?
Meet Bella and Zoey: one year-old mixed black labs. Not only are they cute and playful, but they love to share their saliva. When they see food, they drool. When they drink, they slobber. Why? While some dogs have no problems containing their unique brand of goo, others are more likely to drip and dribble.
Dog slobber, a common canine behavior known as hypersalivation, happens for several reasons and with numerous breeds other than labs. Breed, stimulus, health issue
Some dogs slobber simply because their mouths have trouble holding saliva. Certain breeds are well-known for loose mouth skin, large jowls and short snouts – characteristics that often make it harder for Fido to hold in liquids. If you already own one of these breeds, your dog will most likely drool for life. If you plan on growing your bowwow family, consider the extra work these particular pups might add to your chore list. Many popular dog breeds and mixed breeds have difficulty containing their saliva, including the following:
- Great Dane
- Basset Hound
- Newfoundland
- Mastiff
- St. Bernard
- Boxer
- Bloodhound
- Bullmastiff
- Neapolitan Mastiff
- Great Pyrenees
- Clumber Spaniel
Even if a dog does not fall into one of these breed categories, it still might have facial traits that cause slobber problems. Just remember, a dog can’t really help the shape of its face.
Does your mouth water when you’re hungry or when you smell your favorite meal? Dogs, much like humans, respond to certain triggers. When it comes to saliva, food, excitement and stress tend to turn on the waterworks. Specific smells, people or situations can increase a canine’s saliva production. Each dog is different, and whether it slobbers or not is purely based on its personality, habits and trigger associations. Even dogs that don’t normally drool may leave trails or puddles around the house under the right circumstances.
Hypersalivation is perfectly natural for dogs, but sometimes can be a sign of a bigger problem. According to Web MD, dogs with these health issues tend to drool or slobber more often than other dogs:
- Mouth pain caused by dental problems
- Distemper, pseudorabies or rabies
- Heat stroke
- Motion sickness
- Poisoning
- Foreign object in mouth
- Salivary gland injuries, infections or cysts
Can slobber be stopped?
Dog slobber can’t be cured, but these tips help limit the mess.
If a dog drools when overexcited, identify the trigger and reduce its exposure to your pup.
Keep pooches kenneled when guests first arrive, then introduce them with a calm and confident approach. Likewise, if you’re a guest, let the dog approach you first while staying relaxed and moving slowly.
In unfamiliar situations, dogs should be allowed time to adjust. This reduces their anxiety.
Refrain from feeding canines table scraps. If dogs get scraps, they link getting fed to your food and expect to share your drool-worthy treats every time you eat.
Regular vet visits prevent and limit health problems that may cause drooling.
Source: GreenMatters.org
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