Watershed Info No 1079

Daniel Salzler No. 1079

EnviroInsight.org Six Items December 4, 2020

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Enhance your viewing by downloading the pdf file to view photos, etc. The attached is all about improving life in the watershed.

1.  ADEQ Navigable Waters Protection Rule Screening Toolkit and Flow Regimes for Arizona.

ADEQ Water Quality Division

With the implementation of the Navigable Water Protection Rule and as discussed in stakeholder meetings, ADEQ developed a Screening Toolkit and flow regime maps to assess which waters may be jurisdictional under the Clean Water Act. Information regarding this toolkit and flow regimes for Arizona waterways is now available online at:

These webpages will be updated as new information becomes available, and the flow regimes for Arizona waterways will also be updated monthly. The Screening Toolkit and flow regime assignments are limited to known sources of information and data to ADEQ. Other available data, information and analysis may be necessary to make final jurisdictional determinations related to WOTUS.

ADEQ Pinal County Dust Forecast

Air Quality Dust Risk

This proactive, risk-based air quality forecast is part of a statewide effort to help Arizona meet health-based standards. ADEQ produces this forecast, valid for areas within Pinal County, Monday through Friday.  For details about this forecast and to learn more about ADEQ statewide forecasting, visit: http://azdeq.gov/forecasting.

3. Oak Creek is being loved to death. Oak Creek Being Loved ‘To death’, according to Emma an Oak Creek Ambassador. Each weekend, Emma visits Oak Creek Canyon in the early morning light to get there before tourists, when the creek is still in the shadows. This was necessary this year, due to the unprecedented number of visitors in the area. Oak Creek saw massive increases in littering and contamination.

Oak Creek Ambssador

This year, Emma spent over 250 hours out on the creek, water quality sampling and picking up trash. With her hard work, she removed over 1,000 lbs of trash. She dedicates her all to Oak Creek because of her passion for land stewardship and inspiring others to take responsibility for our environment.

Will you donate to protect Oak Creek and support more people like Emma? Go to


Amidst a very challenging year, Oak Creek Watershed Council continued to combat the growing issues threatening Oak Creek. Since May, our Ambassadors have worked on the ground every week, advocating for Oak Creek and restoring trashed areas. And that work is ongoing, thanks to supporters like you.

Every year, we depend on this day of giving to support our efforts. Whether you give a gift of $5, $25, or $50, your tax deduction donation will have such a big impact. Thank you for being a steward of this invaluable area and for all of your support!


Effective Nov 3rd, 2020

ADEQ’s Hazardous Waste Rule became effective on Nov. 3, 2020, and is now published in the Arizona Administrative Register.

This rule incorporates EPA regulations, such as:

  • Revisions to the Definition of Solid Waste (2008)
  • Definition of Solid Waste (2015)
  • Safe Management of Recalled Airbags (2018)
  • Management Standards for Hazardous Waste Pharmaceuticals and Amendment to the P075 Listing for Nicotine (2019)
  • Increasing Recycling: Adding Aerosol Cans to the Universal Waste Regulations (2019)

Contact [email protected]

5. Arizona’s Drought Taking Is Taking It’s Toll On Trees, Shrubs, Groundcovers And Grasses.  As of this published date, it’s been 265 days without any significant rainfall at the publishers home. Use the following as a guide for watering.

Landscape Watering Guidelines

6. Approaching The Year’s End And Need Some Tax Relief?  If you need a break in your taxes while helping a local non-profit organization, look no further than those who bring you this newsletter every week.  Whatever amount you choose to donate to EnviroInsight.org, you can take that amount off your state and federal taxes AND you are helping EnviroInsight spread the word on environmental education.

Go to EnviroInsight.org on the web and follow the links to complete your donation.

Copyright EnviroInsight.org 2020

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