Watershed Info No 1056

Daniel Salzler                                                                                            No. 1056 EnviroInsight.org                  8 Items                                June 26, 2020

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1. ADEQ is providing this update regarding the Navigable Waters Protection Rule. 

Today, the United States District Court of the Northern District of California denied a motion for a stay of the Rule.

This case is a challenge to a new rule that will substantially narrow the definition of what are “waters of the United States” subject to federal regulation under the Clean Water Act. Plaintiffs seek a court order preventing the new rule from taking effect, pending a determination on the merits of the case. Plaintiffs point to significant irreparable harms that will occur before the litigation is resolved, if the rule is legally invalid but allowed to go into operation now. Were the court tasked with the question of whether the new rule represents wise environmental policy or the best approach to protecting water resources that could be supported by scientific data, the result might be different. The court’s narrow role, however, is only to evaluate whether the rule has been adopted in compliance with the requirements of the Administrative Procedure Act. In that context, plaintiffs have not made a sufficient showing to support an injunction or an order delaying the effective date of the new rule. 

2.  Pima Supes mandate COVID-19 face masks county-wide The Board of Supervisors voted 3-2 on Friday to require wearing face masks in public everywhere in Pima County — an order that supersedes any town and city regulations — to slow the spread of COVID-19.   

The mandate approved by the supervisors applies to all areas of Pima County outside of tribal jurisdictions, including within the city of Tucson and the towns of Marana, Oro Valley and Sahuarita.

All people age five and up in the county must wear an effective face mask while in public when they cannot socially distance, under the order approved on a party-line basis by the supervisors.

Chairman Ramón Valadez and fellow Democratic Supervisors Sharon Bronson and Betty Villegas voted for the ordinance; Republican Sups. Steve Christy and Ally Miller were opposed.

Under the new county ordinance, masks that include a valve that allow breath to escape are not considered compliant, as they allow droplets that could contain coronvirus particles to escape.


3. What Does The Z I P In Zip Code Stand For

The U.S. Post Office Department introduced ZIP codes in 1963 to allow for faster and more efficient mail delivery. At the time, the volume of mail in the U.S. was rapidly increasing. To encourage people to use the codes, the post office developed an ad campaign featuring a friendly cartoon character named “Mr. Zip.” Each of the numbers in a “Zone Improvement Plan” code refers to a specific area: The first digit is a collection of states, the next two digits indicate a specific state or region, and the final digits denote the most specific area. Many areas have since added a “ZIP+4” code, which includes an extra four digits denoting an even more specific location.

Source: National Geographic | Date Updated: June 18, 2020

4. Federal Water Tap, June 22: EPA Decides Not To Regulate Perchlorate In Drinking Water. The U.S. EPA announced on Thursday that it won’t set national drinking water standards for perchlorate, a rocket fuel chemical.

The U.S. EPA announced on Thursday that it won’t set national drinking water standards for perchlorate, a rocket fuel chemical. Bloomberg reports that the agency acknowledged perchlorate can affect human health by interfering with the thyroid gland, but said the chemical doesn’t appear in enough public water systems, or at high enough levels, to cause concern. The agency’s decision will become final once it is published in the Federal Register.Source: EPA

5. Remarkable Drop In Colorado River Water Use A Sign Of Climate Adaptation

Use of Colorado River water in the three states of the river’s lower basin fell to a 33-year low in 2019, amid growing awareness of the precarity of the region’s water supply in a drying and warming climate.

Arizona, California, and Nevada combined to consume just over 6.5 million acre-feet last year, according to an annual audit from the Bureau of Reclamation, the federal agency that oversees the lower basin. That is about 1 million acre-feet less than the three states are entitled to use under a legal compact that divides the Colorado River’s waters.

The last time water consumption from the river was that low was in 1986, the year after an enormous canal in Arizona opened that allowed the state to lay claim to its full Colorado River entitlement. Source:  [email protected]

6.  Arizona’s Groundwater Management Act: 40 Years Of Protecting Our Precious Water Supply

Forty years ago, on June 12, 1980, former Arizona Governor and U.S. Secretary of the Interior Bruce Babbitt signed the Groundwater Management Act (GMA) into law. This was a truly historic moment in Arizona’s history. It was also intimately tied to Central Arizona Project’s history, since its passage helped ensure federal appropriations for CAP’s completion.

In addition, the GMA:

  • Created the Arizona Department of Water Resources

  • Established Active Management Areas covering 25% of the state’s land mass, but more than 80% of its population
  • Imposed groundwater regulations
  • Set long-range water management goals including Safe Yield for more populated areas
  • Required an Assured Water Supply for consumer protection and sound water management

The comprehensive water management framework set up by the GMA has been critical to the prosperity Arizona has enjoyed for the last 40 years.

“CAP is proud that our renewable water supply has contributed to Arizona’s success,” says Lisa Atkins, Central Arizona Water Conservation District president. “And we congratulate ADWR on four decades of excellence!”

The CAWCD board celebrated this milestone at its June board meeting, including a special video message from former Governor Babbitt. To learn more about his and others’ contributions to Arizona’s water history, visit CAP’s oral history page.

7. Sun Protection 101: A Complete Guide To Skin Damage Prevention

Those who do not respect the sun’s almighty powers may ultimately find themselves in a world of skin damage. The sun. You know, the life-enabling center of our universe and a muse for everyone from The Beatles to Sheryl Crow. But for all it giveth, it taketh away—and those who do not respect the sun’s almighty powers may ultimately find themselves in a world of skin damage. 

It’s Time to Get Serious About Sun Protection 

Skin cancer is the most common form of cancer in the United States with cases increasing by nearly 10 percent each year. One in five Americans will develop it in their lifetime, making it more common than all other forms of cancer combined. 

The likelihood of developing skin cancer for those who work outdoors is 3.5 times higher than for those who do not. The sun damage risk on worksites is so high OSHA has identified UV as a carcinogen. With skin cancer expenses exponentially increasing (more than $8 billion spent annually), treatment costs are detrimental to both workers and their employers.

What’s the difference between the two? UVA rays penetrate harmful photons deeper into the skin to cause premature aging and immunologic problems, while shorter UVB rays are what damage DNA and give way to skin cancer. Not all sunscreens protect against both, so be sure to look for ones labeled “broad spectrum.

Sun Damage Prevention 

Now for the good news. Though skin cancer is the most common form of cancer, it’s also one of the most preventable. A simple combination of sunscreen, protective clothing and shade can drastically decrease the risk of cancer and skin damage. 

And the experts at OSHA agree, recommending the following for sun-exposed workers:

  • Cover up with loose-fitting, long-sleeve shirts and pants
  • Use sunscreen with an SPF of at least 30
  • Wear a wide brim hat to protect neck, ears, eyes, forehead, nose and scalp
  • Wear UV-absorbent sunglasses
  • Limit exposure—UV rays are most intense between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m.

Sunscreen should be thoroughly applied to exposed skin prior to going outside, and reapplication should occur every two hours. The Center for Disease Control recommends all skin types use at least 15 SPF, which blocks 93 percent of UV rays. The fairer your skin, the higher SPF you should use—with SPF 50 blocking up to 98 percent. Luckily for those who don’t like the feel of traditional lotions, sunscreen also comes in easy-apply  sticks  and  sprays

Sun Protective Clothing  Clothing labeled with a significant ultraviolet protective factor (UPF) is another crucial (and relatively easy) preventative measure. UPF differs from SPF because 1) it’s for clothing and 2) it always protects from both UVA and UVB rays. The rating scale is a bit different as well, with the number directly correlating with the amount of UV it blocks. 

For example, 50 UPF means only one fiftieth of the sun’s rays will pass through the fabric. UPF clothing comes in just about every style these days and, for those who really 

want to beat the heat, there are more advanced options with activated cooling technology. Unobtrusive UPF headwear, bands, and sleeves are worthwhile additions for any outdoor worker.

Polarized Sunglasses While ocular melanoma is not associated with sun exposure, UV ray damage can increase odds of developing eyelid cancer and serious eyesight-impairing conditions such as cataracts and macular degeneration. 

According to the American Optometric Association,  sunglasses should block 99-100 percent of UV rays. 

Polarized lenses can offer even more protection by reducing glare and eye fatigue around water, snow and other bright environments. And with new generations of safety glasses looking and performing more like athletic eyewear, you’ll look and feel good using them.

Shelters and Shade In the case of sun protection, throwing shade is a good thing. Blockage of direct sunlight should be incorporated whenever possible on worksites. Shade should be as close as possible to where work is occurring, substantial enough to cool down the body’s heat level, provide adequate space for all resting employees and make water readily available. If your site lacks built-in refuge from trees or buildings, create it. From large pop-up shelters to light-blocking umbrellas, there are plenty of quick and easy-to-deploy options available.   Source: OSHA June 2020        

8.    Clean Your Grill With Aluminum Foil.  Once finished cooking your meal on the grill, use some crumpled aluminum foil to scrub the grill clean.

Toss the dirty aluminum into your trash.  It is not recyclable.

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