Daniel Salzler No. 1134
EnviroInsight.org Six Items January 28, 2022
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The attached is all about improving life in the watershed.
Read this newsletter at EnviroInsight.org
- 1. Protecting Our Water Supply. The Federal government is readying a proposal to shore up the cybersecurity of the U.S. Water supply, a system maintained by thousands of organizations and local governments. The plan will encourage companies to upgrade their technologies for detecting cyber attacks Federal officials hope that waterutility will report data breaches to help authorities monitor threats to different types of critical infrastructure.
Water sector trade groups are evaluating the draft plan. Last August, the proposed plan was expanded to includegas pipeline.
Security experts say defending the water supply should take on urgency because of growing threats to the sectorand the dated technology of some utilities Source: Wall Street Journal.
- 2. A Different Path To Understanding Digital Speak. Using an analogy that one byte of data = 1 grain of rice, then:
Byte: one grain of rice
Kilobyte: handful of rice
Megabyte: Big pot of rice
Gigabyte: Truck full of rice
Terabyte: Container ship full of rice
Petabyte: Covers the Province of Nova Scotia (55,284 km²)
Exabyte: Covers Western Canada
Zettabyte: Fill the Pacific Ocean (660,000,000 km3)
Yottabyte: Earth-sized rice ball
A 2 Gb thumb drive would be the equivalent to 1/4 cup of uncooked rice.
Two DVD’s would hold the equivalent of one cup of uncooked rice.
The LandSat collects data all day. This data is equivalent to 700 Gigabytes (Gb) a day. This is equal to 35 poundsof rice or 17.5 bags of uncooked rice.
1 megabyte (Mb) = 1,000 kilobytes (Kb) 1 gigabyte (Gb) = 1,000 mb’s (Mb)
1 terabyte (Tb) = 1,000 gigabytes (Gb) 1 petabyte (Pb) = 1,000 terabytes (Tb)
1 exabytes (Eb) = 1,000 petabytes (Pb) 1 zettabyte (Zb) = 1,000 exabytes (Eb)
1 Yottabyte (Yb) = 1,000 exabytes (Eb)
In the case of General Electric “Just one of their gas power station turbines generates around 500 gigabytes ofdata a day – Bernard Marr “GE – Big Data and the industrial internet”. Source: John Bald, Shinydocs.com
- 3. A New Law All Drivers Should Pay Attention To. If your car or truck is blocking a sidewalk, beware. A new Arizona law makes it a crime, punishable by a $250 fine.
The law, House Bill 2395, is designed to keep walkways clear for everyone, including those who can’t “just go around” such obstacles. Public or private driveways, crosswalks and sidewalks are among the areas included in the law’s provisions.
Rep. Jennifer Longdon, D-Phoenix, introduced HB 2395 in January, and it passed in February on a 49-11vote. Gov. Doug Ducey signed it in May.
During a February hearing of the House Transportation Committee, Longdon said when vehicles – especially trucks with hitches – impede sidewalks, it makes passing difficult for many pedestrians, `including those in wheelchairs, who are parents with small children, or are blind and use aids.
“It’s an effort to be more mindful to make sure we’re protecting pedestrians,” said Longdon, who uses a wheelchair after being paralyzed from the chest down in a random shooting in 2004. At the hearing, she shared astory of someone she knew, who is blind and uses a sight cane, walking into a cactus while trying to move arounda sidewalk obstruction.
The law does not apply if a vehicle is temporarily parked for the purpose of loading or unloading, in emergency situations or when complying with other laws or directions of a police officer or traffic control device.
It also does not apply to vehicles or drivers delivering official U.S. mail so long as the driver does not leave thevehicle and it’s only stopped momentarily.
Read the entire law at https://www.azleg.gov/legtext/55leg/1R/laws/0365.pdf
- 4. Upper Agua Fria Watershed Partnership Meeting. 10:00 AM
ID: 866-149-621
2021-0629_Mayer Copper Road Qu…pdf (9.9 MB\
Upper Agua Fria Watershed Partnership
Tue, Feb 1, 2022 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM (MST)
Please join my meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone.https://global.gotomeeting.com/join/866149621
You can also dial in using your phone.
United States: +1 (571) 317-3112
Access Code: 866-149-621
New to”GoToMeeting”? Get the app now and be ready when your first meetingstarts:https://global.gotomeeting.com/install/86614962
Upper Agua Fria Watershed Partnership
February 1, 2022, 10 am
Draft Agenda
1. Introductions and Announcements
2. Arizona Metals Black Canyon City Kay Mine
a. Committee Development
b. Natural Riparian Resources Inventory
c. Other issues
3. Solar Farm Proposals: Updates,
a. Visual impacts /Field Trip /more drone activity from Tony?
b. ASLD and Yavapai County Review process, any updates?
c. Mitigation:AGFD: Pronghorn, Central AZ Grasslands Conservation Strategy, Wildlife
Connectivity, Build Back Better opportunities for wildlife
4. Pioneer Landscaping Materials in Mayer on Big Bug
a. Reclamation Plan hearing, January 27, 2022, Plan attached
5. AZPDES Permit Renewal for Prescott Valley; comments due Feb 3, 2022
6. Other business: FAFNM February 5 Adopt a Highway, BCHP- Winterfest Report, CALT, UAFWP Adopt aHighway progress
7. FlexLane: Randy Policar from ADOT will send a rep to the UAFWP April 5, 2022 meeting to discuss thisproject with particular emphasis on sustainable construction water.
8. 2022 Goals? Website?
Winterfest Saturday January 29, 2022 10 am to 2 pm at Black Canyon City Heritage Park
4. CentralAZProjectReport. For the overall Colorado River Basin above Lake Powell, the snow accumulation as of the end of December 2021 was 6.5 inches, which is 106% of the 6.1-inch 30-year median for this date.
5. AZ Department of Environmental Quality Invites Your Feedback On The Five YearRule.
ADEQ invites interested community members, businesses and government personnel to participate in a review ofADEQ’s Administration Rules, in the Arizona Administrative Code, Title 18, Chapter 1: Administration:
• Article 2: Administrative Appeals
• Article 3: Public Participation in Rulemaking
• Article 4: Public Notice and General Public Hearings
Please review the above articles and participate in the following survey for the opportunity to provide feedback onADEQ’s rules.
Responses due no later than Feb. 2, 2022
If you know others who may be interested in providing input on these rules, please forward them this feedbackopportunity. Thank you for your participation in the rule review process.
What are Five Year Reviews? | Click here to learn more >
For questions, please contact: [email protected]
- 6. Water agencies announce partnership to invest $200 million in conservation efforts to bolster Colorado River’s Lake Mead, under 500+ plan.
The recently signed 500+ Plan aims to add 500,000 acre-feet of additional water to Lake Mead in both 2022 and2023. Read more at: https://knowyourwaternews.com/water-agencies-announce-partnership-to-invest-200-million-in-conservation-efforts-to-bolster-colorado-rivers-lake-mead-under-500-plan/
Copyright: EnviroInsight.org 2022