Daniel Salzler No. 1057
EnviroInsight.org 5 Items July 3, 2020
Feel Free To Pass This Along To Others
If your watershed is doing something you would like others to know about, or you know of something others can benefit from, let me know and I will place it in this Information newsletter.
If you want to be removed from the distribution list, please let me know. Please note that all meetings listed are open.
Enhance your viewing by downloading the pdf file to view photos, etc. The
attached is all about improving life in the watershed.
This is already posted at the NEW EnviroInsight.org
1. The 4th of July Brings Astronomical Surprise. A penumbral lunar Eclipse will be visible for nearly all of the lower 48 states on the night of Independence Day. The best time to look up will be around 9:30 p.m. The moon
shadow will pass through the Earth’s shadow starting at 8:07 and will last until 10:52 p.m. The eclipse won’t obscure the moon, it will just cause a slight shadow. Source: Weather.com
2. Make The Planet Great Again!
We now have a new section for news.
Here is an article: Carbon Pricing
Here is another article: Planet of the Humans – A Tale of Misinformation and Distortion
Find out more about wind power We would like your feedback on the new section overall. You can contact us. Thank you for reading. During the pandemic, stay safe 🙂
If you are interested in buying a t-shirt with the “Make the Planet Great Again” image go here
3. SWANA Webinar July 8th
Safety Best Practices & Cooperative Purchasing
Wednesday, July 8, 2020 | 2:00 p.m. – 3:15 p.m. EDT
Clay Layne, Sales Support Consultant, Waste/Industrial Waste Applications, Global Construction and Infrastructure, Caterpillar Inc.
Greg Haglin, President, Government Solutions Team
Join this webinar to learn about post collection best practices and benefits of cooperative purchasing. Clay Layne of Caterpillar Inc. will discuss replacing seatbelts, mounting and dismounting equipment, equipment walk around inspections, blind spots on equipment, and fires. He will also discuss best practices at transfer stations and landfills. This will include how critical density is to the life of the landfill and how to increase those densities on the active working face.
Greg Haglin of Government Solutions Team will then share the benefits of buying through cooperative purchasing. He will talk about simplifying the procurement process, avoiding duplication, getting national volume discounts, and ensuring you have high quality, high value products to choose from.
Your Chapter membership may qualify you to attend this webinar for free. Learn more here.
Registration: https://store.swana.org/store/events/registration.aspx?event=WEB200610&utm_campaign=Webinar&utm_medium=email&_hsmi=90429401&_hsenc=p2ANqtz-_sb0fzM4ot1ynK-gZSX3XQnqaz_U6ZYZ8v_xBR40xKPdcn1xrf3Az3fTj7I-3PjYRQtRHo9reh-21Pe3AVWSzEL30jbQ&utm_content=90416496&utm_source=hs_email.
4. Are You Tired Of Seeing Trash At Your Favorite Outdoor Spots? We’re partnering with our friends at Friends of the Verde River to host a virtual trash pick-up challenge! This challenge, to be held July 5-12, encourages the greater Verde Valley community to pick up as much trash as possible from along our waterways and other vital habitats within the Verde Watershed.
Did you know that the Oak Creek Watershed is part of the Verde River Watershed? Because the Verde River is connected to communities through tributaries such as Oak Creek, Granite Creek, Watson Lake, Beaver Creek, Clear Creek, East Verde River, and countless washes, any cleanup effort in these areas will benefit the Verde River and make a difference all over the watershed.
Want to participate? Please join in the fun and help us keep our beautiful natural areas clean and purdy (#PurdyVerde)! Everyone can enjoy this opportunity to show some love to our beloved wild places while you are out recreating. We ask all participants to do the following:
1. Pick your favorite spot near you and pick up trash between July 5th-12th.
2. Safely pick up as much trash as possible! We ask that you practice social distancing and go out during less frequented times. Please have the proper safety and sanitation items.
3. Share photos and video by email ([email protected]) or post them to social media using the hashtag #PurdyVerde. Be sure to tag the location as well.
4. Share the approximate weight of your trash haul and how many hours you volunteered.
What Should I Bring?
1. Gloves
2. Trash bags
3. Trash picker
4. Water (it’s hot out there!)
5. Tarp/straps (optional to secure trash in a truck bed)
6. Hand sanitizer
Where Should I Go?
We aim to have a watershed-wide cleanup. Go anywhere within the Verde watershed, all the way from Paulden to Prescott, Oak Creek Canyon to Sedona, through the Verde Valley and down towards Phoenix. If you need ideas, check out the map here.
What Should I Do with The Trash I Picked Up?
The best option is to take it with you and dispose of it in your own household trash, as public trash bins can get pretty full. For oversized items that you cannot take, it would be helpful to leave them by bins, photograph them, and share with Friends of the Verde River or the land managers at your location.
What is the Reward for Participating?
You can enjoy the satisfaction of a good deed! But Friends of the Verde River will also select a random social media participant to win a goodie bag full of stickers, magnets, and more!
Where Can I Rent A Boat?
Friends of the Verde River has teamed up with two great local outfitters – Verde River Adventure and Adventure Encounter – to bring you discounts on self-guided tours. Please contact the outfitters directly and ask them about the #PurdyVerde cleanup discount.
Verde Adventures: sedonaadventuretours.com· Adventure Encounter: adventureencounter.org
For more information, please visit the Friends of the Verde River Events Page here.
5. Removing Red Wine Stains Or Tough Grass Stains From Clothes.
Pour a little hydrogen peroxide on the stain and then sprinkle on a little 20 Mule Team Borax and rub it into the stain. Launder. Source; Queen of Clean.
Copyright EnviroInsight Inc, 2020