Daniel Salzler No. 1049
EnviroInsight.org 6 Items May 14, 2020
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This is already posted at the NEW EnviroInsight.org
1 .Who said ” Two things Are Infinite? :Answer: “Stupidity and something else” Albert Einstien
2. Three. The number of trees it takes to average household between $100 and $250 in energy costs annually, according to the U.S Department of Energy. Is is time to plant a few drought tolerant trees around your home
3. In 2016, What Rotting Food Was Used To Produce Eletricity
a. Chicken b. Tomatoes c. Apples d. Cauliflower
4. Did You Know…..There is a jet stream in the atmosphere, at an altitude of 3 to 4 miles above the surface of the earth. It’s wind zone is 1242 miles wide that encircles the globe.
With wind speeds reaching a speed of nearly 250 miles per hour.
Answer to No. 3 above: Tomtoes
5. Southwest Climate Forecasts, Climas: Monthly Precipitation and Temperature: March precipitation ranged between average and record wettest in Arizona. March temperatures were average to much above average in Arizona and the daily average temperature anomalies for Mar 1 – Apr 14 highlight the fluctuations at select stations around the region
Answer at bottom of this page
Drought: The Apr 7 U.S. Drought Monitor (USDM) maintains drought characterizations similar to last month in the Four Corners region, while expanding drought in central and southeastern New Mexico
“Moderate Drought” and “Severe Drought” characterizations are centered on the Four Corners region, reflecting localized acute and accumulated precipitation deficits.
6. 50% of the water used in a home is used in the bathroom. Install low-flow toilets and limit showers whenever possible. Soure; Habitat for Humanity
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